Tuesday, January 12, 2010

undedited continueous typing vent :day 1

ahh im soo like happyy today idont know why perhaps it was hte anime i was wathcing yesterday, specail a, up till 2 last nite wathcing it too cute. my cousneler sed i shuld sugeessted wrtie my thoughts down in a blog. hmm my binge eating disorder, just beautiful, i had it i was skinny and now im like 180 pounds big woop! i try to lose weight cant exerciz the friggin stressed over art wtf, i want a good art school, if i could get into risd i would go however they look a gpa's mine issss decent not AMAZING but decent, i think i can get art to its standards tho:] i want to go to a school that will also allow me to study abroad in japan cuz i want JAPANESE BABIES CHYEEAAA. asain ppl are beautiful i am a britsh wannabe asian ! AND I AM PROUD! well lets see i shuld go over waht i ate today, i had breakfast simple cereal and a cup of tea which actually made me more relaxed i took my regular adderol. it turned out all teh art history hw i was worrying about isnt due yet thank god! and im like wooooot i had sandwich and yogurt fro lunch and i was pretty okay and i had a banana when i got home WOOT POTASSSIMMMM BITCHES. well yea i kinda ruined it when i had a frappacino and a hersheys cookies and creme bar and it was a giant one and i was planning on only eating a little and saving some for toommooorooo SO MUCH FOR THAT why cant i just likeee seriouly stop myself its not that hard i barley for awhole year once i cant totally pinpoint why teh hell i do this myabe im just lazy who know im sooo stupid i feel like theres no hope to lose weight i goota change my attitutde tomorros a new day no more binging! ill try i got to rember i can do it! confidence is key ! i will lose weight i will become hot and skinny and i will get my life in order i just need ot relaqz and replace coffee with tea yeaaaa and specnd sometime watching anime it calms me down! ahh ok! and todya ill watch some "special a" , do some art, and sat prep CHYEAAA !

Sunday, November 15, 2009

[Shepard Fairey, Obama paiting]
[Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe painting]
i was going to do this every day but i never have time mann its like rubbish but whatevs i suppose somuch art only two years to go till collge time.
anyway since this is my first real topic, i want my blogs to focus on art and what better way to do it than focus on the guy who influences me the most*Drum roll*
hes fabulous,seiously
what bothers me are the people who doubt his sucess
ive heard alot of people say things like- "a campbells soup can, i could of copied that,that so boring how is that art?"
what they dont understand is in that time period pop art like andys was only beginning
Andy was a pop artist, meaning he would produce popular art, not crap, he tooks something you see every day and found the beuty in it.
isnt that what art is?
making people see something a differnent way.
a campbells soup can was a boring old red and white can until andy painted it, and copied it a million times.
people may think his art isnt original becuase many aritst today do the same sort of thing but people dont understand that the art was influenced by Andy who was one of the first
andy was a genius!
he wanted to sell art, what better way to make money than to paint stuff people like?
the day after marilyn monroe died andy painted a pictue of her{top left of page next to obama picture], he knew how big it was when she died such an important member to pop culture, he knew that her death was one of the most star moments of her career the time when she was talked over the most, what better time to paint her? GENIUS
look at Shepard Fairey a young artist today who hasnt seen his painting of obama?[located at the top left] he painted it around the best time when obama was just becoming president he knew that at the time this was a very importnant part in history, a part hwen barrack obama would get the most fame and publicity, the time when everyone was talking about our first blakc president, of course hes going to sell if he does a kickass painting of Obama.
Going back to Andy, he really does deserve credit he evern created hes own style of art with his portraits of people in many differnet colors whic is copied today by many people, and even in some photoshop programs the effects of changing a photo to look like an andy warhol paintig is called warhol style, andy was revelutionary;
if people took the time to research the artist and the history of art then they would probalby be able to appreciate it alot more, it really does matter and makes art alot more interesting so i encourage people to research art and its back ground before they ask whay its hanging up in a museum.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

lion of ido mv

so when i attended teen vouge university they held a party at juicy couture for the atendees me and my friedn taylor loveeed this band, they were performing there, and the people in the band were mad nice, anyway this video is their music video i think its adorable:] it makes me wanna go party in ny woot! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm8i6ZFA1Eg


im uncomfrotabally just randomly adding a blog in 5 seconds as i need to pee rite now and then shower and i wanted to atleast have one blog up before i go explode .......